Dalgety Bay Weather : 8th December 2018 – 17 Sleeps to the big day
Temperature: A high of 8°C and a low of 0°C.
Cloud most of the day. Wind Gusts 38 to 42mph until 11:15am. Dropping to 20mph before midnight. It will be Light Rain from 5:45 to 8:05am. More Rain from mid-morning until 11:07am with some sunny periods. Sun in all its glory from before lunch for two or three hours
Wind Direction : West, West South Westerly, and West. Wind Speed 19-23-18-11-10mph
Risks: Gale force gusts of wind: Pedestrians and motorists should take care while out and about. Surprise showers throughout the day. If you are on higher ground expect cold wintry showers. Tonight there could be some frost in most remote places and the temperature could drop to a freezing 0°C
That is it from me. Have a super Saturday. Birds must still be in the land of nod.
Weather reports broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts