Dalgety Bay Weather : 30th October 2018
Temperature: A high of 8°C and a low of -1°C.
Showers and heavy rain until lunch-time. Followed by cloud until 3:15pm then sunny intervals until close of play
Wind: North North Easterly, North Easterly and North until about 8:05pm then turns to a North North North westerly and Westerly direction. That means there will be planes overhead until about mid-evening. Wind Speed: 9-6-11-8-9-6mph. Gusts: 14-18-20-14-17-8-11mph
Risks : Random surprise rainfall in the afternoon. This evening mist patches followed by a morning frost.
That is it from me, and have a terrific Tuesday. Birds are a bit restless – but happily tweeting.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office forecasts