Dalgety Bay Weather for 14th October 2018
Temperature: A high of 12°C and a low of 4°C.
Cloudy this morning until just after lunch and Sun in all its Glory in the afternoon until the close of play
Wind Westerly most of the day turning West South Westerly before midnight. Wind Speed: 8-9-8-5-4mph : Gusts: 15-17-13-10-7mph
Risks : Rain early morning and there may be some frost overnight and tomorrow morning.
That is it from me. Have a super Sunday with family and friends. If possible wrap up well and go out for an afternoon stroll in the sunshine. Birds are very happy today. I can hear their joyful chirps, delightful songs as they tweet and genteel laughter as the world goes by.
Weather report broadly based on IFTTT and Met Office Forecasts.