Dalgety Bay Weather : Wednesday, 5th September 2018
Temperature: A high of 17°C and a low of 6°C.Cloudy sky at random times today, but the day starts with sun in all its glory, sunny intervals and cloudy periods, followed by more sun until mid afternoon. At tea time for about a hour or two there is a 60% risk of light rain.
Wind: Westerly, West North Westerly and West South Westerly all day. Wind speed: 1-11-10mph : Gusts 4mph rising to 20mph by the close of play
Risks: Random rainfall in the afternoon before tea time and in the evening/overnight but none forecast apart from the rain at tea time.
That is it from me. The birds are not quite as chatty today. Have a wonderful Wednesday
Weather report broadly based on iFTTT and Met office weather forecasts